ArtPlay Why Not Collection-retirement sale
Fortuna FotoBlendz No 1-on sale
Outdoors WordART Mix No 3-retirement sale
ArtPlay Friends Collection-retirement sale
Artsy Layered Template No 43-retirement sale
process: I started with artsy paper 6 from Why Not Collection. I then clipped my image to a FortunaFotoBlendz.I used layers of ALT43,wordART from GreatOutdoorsWAM1,wordART from OutdoorWordARTMix3,StitchedLoopdaLoops white 1, and MultiMediaMagicSprinklez2_3 (some layers not used). For the wooden heart in the ALT43 I made copies,filling them by clipping mask with papers from APPWicked and APPShabbyChristmas,deleting the scissored heart.I then placed a heart element from APP Meraki behind my wordART title.Shadows were applied to some dimensionals.