


  • Media owner BoatLady
  • Date added
ewright-RoadTrip, AASPN_ArtsyLayeredTemplate
My photos.
Journaling- When we were camping at Holiday Camp Resort in Michigan we decided to go over to Silver Lake to rent a dune buggy to ride the huge sand dunes there. Jay was driving and we went up a few small dunes to get a feel for it then we started on the higher ones but did not tackle the highest one. We did watch people but decided it was just too steep with our inexperience plus if you couldn’t make it you were supposed to back all the way down that did not look like fun. We saw many fail although some made it but they had powerful machines.. I took a turn driving which I did enjoy but Jay was better than I was.. We made “figure eights” and then “sand donuts” I know We cruised the beach on the lake then just drove around the whole area. Jay really loved it cause he had a smile on his face the whole time. We took the buggy back to the meeting point then went to lunch at a local spot and chilled out before heading back to camp. We were covered with sand from head to toe, even in our ears. . .
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Sounds like such an exciting adventure! Your layout is stunning. I love how the stitching mimics the 4wd tracks on the sand, the little strip of detail photos and the sand splat along the bottom.
Wow, you two are really brave, I don't know I could drive up those inclines without getting too nervous! Your photos are great and I like the little car at the bottom. Always so nice seeing you two, too!
You guys always find ways of having fun. This is wonderful! I love the happy mood to the page and especially like the addition of the stitching -- something I'll have to remember.
Wow Definitely so fun. Love the blue skies. love everything what an adventure. Your layout is amazing
Great photos. You really are enjoying all your travels. I love the stitching and journaling. I like the title font. Lovely layout.
Sounds like so much fun. I've been to Michigan's dunes a few times and never done this. Needs to go on my bucket list!

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