

New Parents

I don't remember ever scrapping this photo of my sister as an infant when our parents were new at it all.
Credits list
Oscraps newletter freebies
Oscraps NL Freebie (Jan 13 2025) by Joyful Heart Designs https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Oscraps-NL-Freebie-Jan-13-2025.html
Gentle Breeze - Oscraps NL Freebie by ninigoesdigi
Carol W - September Feeling Cluster - https://www.oscraps.com/shop/September-Feeling-Cluster-for-CarolW-Designs.html

fonts: Expo, Amapolo
Designer(s) Used:
  1. CarolW Designs
  2. Joyful Heart Designs
  3. ninigoesdigi
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
Family photo that I have.
How sweet! Lovely clustering.

BTW... I sometimes do scrap with the same heritage photo if I am dealing with a challenge, etc., and nothing else strikes me. However, for every scrapbook layout I create, I use keywords to identify what the photo is all about. I don't go into the detail to add family first names (most of the time), although that would probably be helpful. But I'd have to go back through over 6000 layouts that I've done to include them, and it isn't going to happen. For this layout, as an example, I would tag it as: Heritage; Family; 1931; (last name); (city); (state). I then run a search on tags (I'm Windows 11), and my layouts are displayed, even though they may be years old. Even running a search on photos with "193" would include any photos you've used (and layouts tagged) from a range of 1930 through 1939.
Thanks for the great ideas. I could use some help with finding old LOs, but not even sure WHERE (what device) old ones are on.
Thanks for the great ideas. I could use some help with finding old LOs, but not even sure WHERE (what device) old ones are on.
Yep, sorry. You would need to know that. I've got all of my layouts on one EHD, in a master scrapbook folder, with subfolders for the years I've scrapped them.

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Challenge 6
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File size
115.9 KB
600px x 600px

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