


  • Media owner dwsewbiz
  • Date added
It's hard to comprehend that the smoke from the devastating LA fires creates a beautiful sky. Some of the feelings I and my neighbors are experiencing.
I wanted to keep this quick and simple - search for "artplay anna orange" in the store to help me pick the palette/collection, Carpe Diem.
Used the suggested layouts in the Bonus:
Artsy Paper 3 on the left, 4 on the right. Pulled in both FotoBlendz 3 and 4, made copies and moved around, erased and brushed.
Added MM Documents on both ends, supplemented with Carpe Diem elements.
Word art from Carpe Diem and Holiday WordArt Clusters 1 (using just the "LA" from "Fa la la").
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Gorgeous capture and heartfelt journaling in the midst of tragedy. I have no connection to what's going on out there at all (except for you), but it just breaks my heart and I can't stop looking at photos of the devastation. I love the hint of what looks like blinds on the right edge, and the recolored doily that looks singed. Perfect choice of palette.
Heartfelt journaling! As beautiful as the sky is, the fires have been beyond devasting. Congrats on the feature!
Gorgeous capture and heartfelt journaling in the midst of tragedy. I have no connection to what's going on out there at all (except for you), but it just breaks my heart and I can't stop looking at photos of the devastation. I love the hint of what looks like blinds on the right edge, and the recolored doily that looks singed. Perfect choice of palette.
Thank you - at first I could not read the news nor look at photos, but then I felt I had to, to try to understand, and figure out how to help. There are many many corporations helping and contributing, and I found one where I think I can make a difference.

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Anna Aspnes
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File size
90.7 KB
800px x 494px

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