
Lynn Grieveson

Feels like home / smells like home!

Despite the relatively short time we lived there, we still feel so at home in Singapore. From the moment I step off the plane and smell that familiar mix of durian and incense and whatever else goes into the mix, and feel that enveloping humid heat, I think ‘YES! We’re back!’ Nowhere else smells quite like it, nor feels quite like it. And no matter how familiar everything is, I can happily spend a week there just wondering.

This is for the 'Feels Like Home' challenge - one of the series of challenges that Rachel and I are running through January on our Substack newsletter (link in siggy).
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Lynn Grieveson
  2. Rachel Jefferies
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
Photos are my own
Congratulations on being featured in the NL I saw it there and had to come and take a closer look! Your journaling is so interesting and I like the photos you included, they tell your story so well. Your page is so beautiful and colorful as well!
Congratulations on being featured in the NL I saw it there and had to come and take a closer look! Your journaling is so interesting and I like the photos you included, they tell your story so well. Your page is so beautiful and colorful as well!
Thank you!

Layout information

Member Galleries
Added by
Lynn Grieveson
Date added
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Oscraps Designers, Rachel Jefferies, Lynn Grieveson,

Image metadata

File size
289.7 KB
800px x 800px

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