

Oscraps ATC December 2024 Twin Lights Tree

  • Media owner MariJ
  • Date added
Getting this in, in the nick of time.
The Twin Lights in Highlands NJ once guided ships into the New York Harbor and were a big part of my childhood summers as I could see the one light blinking from my bed at night. When I saw them this Christmas I noticed a pretty lighted Christmas tree in the left tower.
The photos are from my phone and far away so a bit blurry, but I think they can still be seen.

I used JHD Holiday Grunge paper blended in with my photo.

Happy New Year to all!
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Joyful Heart Designs
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What a lovely story behind your choice of photo you have used. Thankyou for sharing the story. This is a beautiful small piece of art. thank you for taking part in my challenge.
I love this page and your photo treatment. I've seen those lighthouses! We have fond memories of the Atlantic Highlands when we visited by boat and when we went down for winter meeting of a yacht club we belonged to.
Your work inspired a memory so that is what it's supposed to do. Well done
I love this page and your photo treatment. I've seen those lighthouses! We have fond memories of the Atlantic Highlands when we visited by boat and when we went down for winter meeting of a yacht club we belonged to.
Your work inspired a memory so that is what it's supposed to do. Well done
Thanks, Debby! I spent childhood summers in Highlands where the lighthouse actually is. My cousin now lives in Atlantic Highlands where the Yacht Club is and is a long-time member. He was once the Grand Captain (or whatever you call it) and both my Mom and Aunts had many family parties there, even my Godmother Aunt's repast was there. You might have met my cousin when you were there, wouldn't that be something?! :beatingheart:

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Oscraps ATC December 2024 Twin Lights Tree JP.jpg
File size
183.2 KB
Date taken
Tue, 31 December 2024 12:04 PM
571px x 800px

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