


Photo is personal.
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Designer(s) Used:
  1. A Whimsical Adventure
Thanks, Olga. It was amazing that a photo sent to me from my cousin in Poland matched the landscape of Anja's creation.
Marilyn, this is fantastic!!!!! I love your blending and the font variety for your title. The way you did the photo is a great treatment! What did you do? And how perfect is that photo???

Standing O, my Dear
Marilyn, this is fantastic!!!!! I love your blending and the font variety for your title. The way you did the photo is a great treatment! What did you do? And how perfect is that photo???

Standing O, my Dear
Thank you! Okay, let me see. The photo I used was a really good match for Anja's mixed media village image. But my photo had a lot of white in it (i.e. snow) with not a lot of detail. So I took another of Anja's landscape papers from the kit that had a sky and some grunginess, but was essentially a snow scene. I resized it to fit my photo. My photo went on top of that with a blend mode of darken. With that blend mode, it picked up the sky and grunge from the landscape paper, leaving the building as is. I added a stroke to my photo, messed with the hue/saturation of the photo just a tad, and the rest is history.
Thank you! Okay, let me see. The photo I used was a really good match for Anja's mixed media village image. But my photo had a lot of white in it (i.e. snow) with not a lot of detail. So I took another of Anja's landscape papers from the kit that had a sky and some grunginess, but was essentially a snow scene. I resized it to fit my photo. My photo went on top of that with a blend mode of darken. With that blend mode, it picked up the sky and grunge from the landscape paper, leaving the building as is. I added a stroke to my photo, messed with the hue/saturation of the photo just a tad, and the rest is history.
I am going to try that method!! Thank you for sharing!!!

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A Whimsical Adventure
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800px x 1035px

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