

Day 1_Paulchen and his Bestie Gloria_No1.jpg

  • Media owner Su_Sanne
  • Date added
Journaling reads
This Giraffe is twice the size of the dachshund himself.
But what can I do? He loves these cuddly toys and kisses and
cuddles them - the bigger the better! And then he bites them
and nibbles on them. And then the insides of what were once
best friends fly all over the house. I hate it and every time
I tell myself to save the money and not buy any more children's toys for this dog. He doesn't appreciate it and will always bite them! I'd rather not say how much this giraffe cost...
Hopefully she will still live to see Christmas!
Credits list
Anna Aspnes
Scenic Layered Template Album No1
Button Threadz No4
Magic Sprinklez No9

Lynn Grieveson
Circus Circus Mixed Media

Lynne Anzelc
Dare to Dream

Simplicity Alpha re-colored with Paint Shop

Dachshund Paulchen is mine ♥
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Lynne Anzelc Designs
  3. Lynn Grieveson
  4. Palvinka
Oh I just realized it's Dec 1 and I'm not prepared for Documenting December...oh well, perhaps I can catch up. This is so cute. Your doggie is adorable! Great background, love the giraffes and great lettering choice.
Paulchen and his giraffe. What a dream team. Such an adorable layout. Thank you so much for joining the challenge.

Layout information

12 Days December 2024
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Additional categories
Member Galleries, Anna Aspnes, Lynne Anzelc Designs, Palvinka Designs, Oscraps Cheery O's, Lynn Grieveson,

Image metadata

Paulchen and his Bestie Gloria_No1.jpg
File size
111.2 KB
Date taken
Thu, 20 August 2020 12:22 PM
600px x 600px

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