

It's That Time

  • Media owner lacy
  • Date added
Time to put up the hunting blinds after a very warm first half of fall. We only just fired up the wood stove Thursday, Nov. 21. Chris, Tracy, Ron, me, and the dogs tromped around the woods to put up two blinds. Tilly snuggles up in front of me and sits on my feet every chance she gets. A closeup of her most distinguishing mark shows the partial ridgeback swirl on the back of her head.

I don’t know what kind of winter the weatherman is predicting but the persimmon seeds all have an undeniable spoon inside, which means LOTS OF SNOW shoveling! I’ll believe it when I see it.
Credits list
FotoInspired Template Pack 3I p6, p4 doily, paper, camera NEW in the Store!
ArtPlay Palette Equinox (SP5)
Equinox ArtsyKardz 6x4-2, 4x6-2
Artsy Transfers Fabric 2
MultiMedia Leaves 11-4
Equinox WordART Mix 1

The FotoInspired Template 3I p6 layers were placed on a new document. Equinox SP5 (Hue/Sat Adj) was placed for the foundation. Photos or Artsy Kardz were clipped to the masks. The doily and camera from FIT p4 were placed and the bead/button/threadz from p6 were moved. MultiMedia was placed with added transfers and papers below it, the ribbon removed, and Equinox label words were added. Finished with word art and journaling. The extracted persimmon seed was added last.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
I had to ask my husband what a hunting blind is... :-) I love Tilly's ridge and that persimmon spoon! Fascinating life! That Equinox background perfectly conveys a transition into gray.
Beautiful page. and photo. I can smell the crunchy leaves in the woodland. Your persimmon's forecast of a winter with lots of snow is already coming true for me.
I am fond of Tilly’s swirl. Love your placement of elements. I can hear the leaves crunching. Looks like a busy day.

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Anna Aspnes
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247.1 KB
600px x 600px

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