


The Lord protects the foreigners among us. He cares for the orphans and widows, but He frustrates the plans of the wicked. Psalm 146:9 11/16/24
Come and listen to my counsel. I’ll share my heart with you and make you wise. Proverbs 1:23 11/17/24
Perseverance “will take us into an intimacy with God we often don’t search out when life is smooth sailing. We often see God the clearest when we are at our most desperate, when all of the meaningless distractions of ordinary life are suddenly stripped away. When life is hardest, press into God. He will stand alongside you in the middle of the storm, even if He doesn’t stop it (the storm). ~Julie Fisk, One Good Word a Day
“Hospitality is defined not only as inviting in friends, but also strangers….to be willing to open our homes and our lives to those around us. Lord, give each one of us a heart’s desire to be hospitable toward those we come in contact with, inviting them into our spaces cheerfully and sharing Your love with them. Amen”. ~Kendra Roehl, One Good Word a Day
“As God’s children, we have the ability to see Him face-to-face. The word “behold” is used in the Bible to draw the reader’s attention (“Look!”). But in 2 Corinthians 3:18, the Greek word for behold, katoptrizo, means to reflect as a mirror. When an infant looks at its caregiver, it finds its identity in that gaze. Similarly, when we behold Jesus, we find ourselves reflected - with love - in His gaze. As we behold God’s glory, we are able to reflect Him more and more. And when we do, we become more like Him, able to extend that same grace and love to others.” ~Kristin Demery, One Good Word a Day
“When we see something breathtakingly beautiful, when a food explodes in delightful flavors across our tongues, when we snuggle into an extra warm blanket on a cool evening, when we hear something that makes our souls sing, we categorize it as a little taste of heaven. Our declarations are an expression of gratitude, a simple acknowledgment that all good things are gifts from God, regardless of whether they are actually in heaven or not.” ~Julie Fisk, One Good Word a Day
“How do I hold on to hope in all of the unknowns of life? All of the unanswered prayers?…I believe the answer lies in our “yet.” Yet will I rejoice. Yet will I remember God is my Savior. Yet will I have hope.” ~Kendra Roehl, One Good Word a Day
He has made everything beautiful in His time. He has also given people a sense of who He is. But they can’t completely understand what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIRV) 11/23/24
In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of Him. Ephesians 3:12 11/24/24
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Christine Art
  3. Crafty Button Designs
  4. Daydream Designs
  5. Lynne Anzelc Designs
  6. Maya de Groot
  7. Mediterranka
  8. Oscraps Collaborations
  9. Vicki Robinson Designs

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Oscraps Cheery O's
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Member Galleries, Oscraps Collab Kits, Maya de Groot, Anna Aspnes, Lynne Anzelc Designs, Mediterranka Design, Vicki Robinson Designs, Crafty Button Designs, Daydream Designs, Christine Art,

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