


  • Media owner AK_Tracy
  • Date added
This was an interesting challenge. This was my first page/try. I used my photo and Let it Snow
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Vicki Stegall
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Reactions: svanderhaegen
Poor moose looks like it is heading into a white out!!! Awesome page for the challenge.
He really wasn't, that's what made the motion treatment fun. Those are snowbanks he was walking next to. They same photo as the other motion one I created too. So different when you see more of the background.
That motion effect sure makes it look like the moose in a windy storm! Great choice of photo! And I love the snow flakes you've sprinkled around the page. They add to the wintery effect.
That motion effect sure makes it look like the moose in a windy storm! Great choice of photo! And I love the snow flakes you've sprinkled around the page. They add to the wintery effect.
Thank you! Was fun to learn how to change the feel of the photo. It was boring before LOL
Wow, your extraction is perfect and you did such a great job with the movement - it really looks like that moose is struggling through a windy snowstorm, awesome, Tracy!
Wow, your extraction is perfect and you did such a great job with the movement - it really looks like that moose is struggling through a windy snowstorm, awesome, Tracy!
Thanks Marilyn. It was fun. The funny part is that if the wind and snow were like the motion shows, the moose wouldn't be moving. They hunker down. So it looks odd to me yet super cool.
Thanks Marilyn. It was fun. The funny part is that if the wind and snow were like the motion shows, the moose wouldn't be moving. They hunker down. So it looks odd to me yet super cool.
My family has shown me photos of meeting a moose on the road in Maine and said it's an amazing site to see. But, when I think of a moose I picture the opening to "Northern Exposure" and the moose wandering through town. I know it's an old show now, but I've often wondered how well it depicted life in Alaska! I'm always so glad to see your views of it and that's interesting what you said about the wind and snow! :heartpumppink:
My family has shown me photos of meeting a moose on the road in Maine and said it's an amazing site to see. But, when I think of a moose I picture the opening to "Northern Exposure" and the moose wandering through town. I know it's an old show now, but I've often wondered how well it depicted life in Alaska! I'm always so glad to see your views of it and that's interesting what you said about the wind and snow! :heartpumppink:
The show got some things right and so many wrong. Cant drive to Juneau. But the moose in town, yeah happens ALL the time. We've had them enter the grocery store cause the automatic doors opened. That's not normal but seeing them around town is normalish. They like trees so they tend to be where the trees/brush are and that happens to be side of road a lot of times.
The show got some things right and so many wrong. Cant drive to Juneau. But the moose in town, yeah happens ALL the time. We've had them enter the grocery store cause the automatic doors opened. That's not normal but seeing them around town is normalish. They like trees so they tend to be where the trees/brush are and that happens to be side of road a lot of times.
Wow, about the moose! I guess that can happen around here with deer, but somehow a moose sounds so much more dramatic! :D

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