

Time Shift

  • Media owner Miki
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A time shift this weekend. Gain an hour of sleep, but it gets dark soooo early. They say that we are now back in sync with the sun.
Credits list
MultiMedia Equinox 1 (black clock)
MultiMedia Trouvaille 4 (crown)
MultiMedia Fabric 1 (clock)
MultiMedia Branches 15
Artplay Palette Equinox (paper/bonus)
Artplay Palette Uncanny (crow, label, splatter)
Artplay MiniPalette Lilt (paper)
Artplay Palette Gather in Peace (clock)
Equinox WordART Mix 1
52 Weeks Number Set 1
Days 2 Week1

Artsy paper 5 from APP Equinox bonus was used as the foundation for the page. The page from MiniLilt became the anchor for the elements to pivot off. The clock MultiMedia elements were added along with the crow and crown. The image was extracted, duplicated with the blending mode changed to screen with a reduced opacity. A MM Branches element was added. The page was completed by adding numbers, days of the week, a title and word art (altered using the warp tool).

Thank you for looking!
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
  • Wow
Reactions: NAdams and bcazzell
Fabulous!!! Very well deserved Standing O. Your placement of all the elements is perfect and I love the days of the week subtly stretching across the page. I was just singing this as I drove home last night. Yikes it was only 5:30pm!
Amazing Miki ... Congratulations with the so well deserved Standing O. Totally agree with Ana ...
There is so much beauty to look at on your layout.
Incredibly cool collection of elements to tell the story - and thanks for the reminder ;-) Love the use of so many circles!
Everything in this layout tells the story about time change. I love the extraction of you sitting on top of the page. A lot of thought went into creating this, and congratulations on the well-deserved Standing O!
Congrats on the SO! Yes, it is amazing. Love the extractions, all the circular elements and clocks.
Of course you know that Simon & Garfunkel will now follow me for a bit, but there are worse things, right? Congrats on the SO. I am loving this on so many levels, but particularly your maximalistic organization, which allows us to safely (meaning without confusion) explore all the visual references you have included. No small task...bravo!
An incredible amount of detail and depth-gorgeous! I love that Simon&Garfunkel song!
Congrats on the Standing O - love the title work! And I too hate that we now get dark so early! awesome extractions - such as cool page!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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342.9 KB
800px x 800px

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