I was inspired by the first quote on the 2nd Moodboard that says this - The journey of who you once were and who you are now becoming, is where the dance of life really takes place.
This quote definitely fits me at this time in my life. So the text is as follows.
You know how we woman all go through "The Change?"
For me the change is not the menopause. I am lucky to not have felt any of those symptoms.
The change for me is the increasing symptoms of ADHD
which are now really messing with my head.
While I had all the hormones, I was somewhat in control of my life.
Sure. I made some poor decisions when I was younger.
And yes I was very angry with myself for making such poor decisions.
So now that the hormones have gone, I have to accept the consequences of those decisions.
This is the Change that I am currently Embracing in my Life.
Text and Heading font -Sacramento