

#2 The Stubble in the Fields

  • Media owner isDK
  • Date added
On Tuesday there were cranes on the south pond, and quite a few had left the safety of the water and were loafing in the adjacent field instead of flying off to find the barley. We called it their version of a bed & breakfast. This was the first time we had seen the cranes in those fields.
Credits list
Anna Aspnes: Paper(winter)
Joyful Heart Designs: Can't Bring Me Down-chipboardflag
Lynn Grieveson: Deciduus
MdGroot: Santangles-hanger
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Joyful Heart Designs
  3. Lynn Grieveson
  4. Maya de Groot
Oh, my! This is just perfect for the phrase you picked, DK! I love the photo of the cranes! It looks like they are playing Follow the Leader! The bg is beautiful against the browns of the elements and your clustering is beautiful, too! Beautiful work! Thanks for participating!
Love the framing and layering of the embellishments. Wonderful photo and page!
great photo, clustering and colour composition. The torn paper that runs across the top of the page is a fantastic design element and adds drama to the lovely design.

Layout information

Challenge 2
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Member Galleries, Maya de Groot, Anna Aspnes, Joyful Heart Designs, Lynn Grieveson,

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File size
955.1 KB
1224px x 778px

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