Week 4, for our September AJ Challenges, is still using the word prompt focus. This week, Chris asks us to think about a mantra. Since my layout is kind of a "full circle" - which is where my muse led me this week, I'm going to concentrate on the word love. "I am loved", I'm surrounded by love". Through my "grief journaling" for the past months, I believe I've grown a lot since the image of the hopeless, crying woman in the upper left corner. Moving across the top, are my "typical wings". This time, represented by Chuck giving me faith (which he always did). the lower left corner is him giving ME wings. Wings to move on - to fly. Then, the wrap-up "Because he loved me.
I'm looking forward to seeing where my must leads me in the next months. I know you'll see some similarities because this is kind or a culmination of some of my other pages. I also hope you see some "new direction".