

911-where were you that when the world stopped turning that septem morn.jpg

  • Media owner JeanneMN
  • Date added
The title is the title of an Alan Jackson song.
Journaling reads: I was at my desk in the library getting ready for my 9 am class. The view out my window wasn’t the best I could still see the beautiful blue sky. Kathy, my library assistant was up in the high school library. She called me and told me I needed to turn on the TV because a plane had
flown into the North Tower. I remember her saying, “This is not a joke, you need to turn on the TV. The world became an eerie place and I knew it would never be the same again.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Joyful Heart Designs
  2. Viva Artistry
The building, the clock and the rubble. This rocks me to my core. Thank you for creating and sharing these pages with us, Jeanne.
I agree with Cheryl. I still want to weep when I see the utter destruction of that day. The lives lost. The hero's who ran into the he** you knew they wouldn't return from. You've done an amazing job on this layout and the memories we all have. Very emotional.
You have done an amazing job on this layout, the song always tugs at my heart and I was at ground zero shortly after it happened and then two other times after that. Wonderful pages detailing what we should never forget
I agree with Cheryl. I still want to weep when I see the utter destruction of that day. The lives lost. The hero's who ran into the he** you knew they wouldn't return from. You've done an amazing job on this layout and the memories we all have. Very emotional.
Thank you Twin, we can never forget all of those emotions.
You have done an amazing job on this layout, the song always tugs at my heart and I was at ground zero shortly after it happened and then two other times after that. Wonderful pages detailing what we should never forget
Thank you so much, B! I'd never heard that song until this 4th of July when I played a patriotic playlist on Amazon Music and I've been listening to it ever since. I've never been a huge country fan, Tobey Keith was a fave, but after realizing it only seems to be country artists that do them, I'm broadening my view. This was extremely hard to work on because it was so emotional.
Congrats on the GSO. This is an absolutely beautiful tribute page. Great masking skills to make this 2 pager look like one page, but can go alone as well!

Layout information

Challenge 3
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Additional categories
Member Galleries, Joyful Heart Designs, ViVa Artistry, Oscraps Cheery O's,

Image metadata

File size
966.9 KB
Date taken
Tue, 10 September 2024 10:25 AM
864px x 864px

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