

911-where were you when the world stopped turning that september morn-web.jpg

  • Media owner JeanneMN
  • Date added
The title is the title of an Alan Jackson song.
Journaling reads: I was at my desk in the library getting ready for my 9 am class. The view out my window wasn’t the best I could still see the beautiful blue sky. Kathy, my library assistant was up in the high school library. She called me and told me I needed to turn on the TV because a plane had
flown into the North Tower. I remember her saying, “This is not a joke, you need to turn on the TV. The world became an eerie place and I knew it would never be the same again.
Credits list
Font: Sears Tower
VivaArtistry_Love & Loss_2409
Photos: Pixabay &
Unsplash (holly-riley-tfbTAPPxzdE-unsplash.jpg) (darshan-patel-ieIoBsDB93w-unsplash.jpg)
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Joyful Heart Designs
  2. Viva Artistry
Wow... We all need to remember that day. Well deserved Standing O. It brings back that day so clearly and the emotions return in full force. It was my grandson's 10th birthday and he was heartbroken that it happened on his birthday. I shared that President Kennedy was killed on my birthday - Nov 22. Yes, the memories of those tragedies are hard... but we should always remember those events and how the nation pulled together.
Congratulations with the Standing O! So well deserved ... a great tribute ..
I select your page for a post today on our Oscraps FB.
Wow... We all need to remember that day. Well deserved Standing O. It brings back that day so clearly and the emotions return in full force. It was my grandson's 10th birthday and he was heartbroken that it happened on his birthday. I shared that President Kennedy was killed on my birthday - Nov 22. Yes, the memories of those tragedies are hard... but we should always remember those events and how the nation pulled together.
Thank you so much and yes, the memories do come flooding back, but we do need to remember. I'm afraid it's becoming a footnote in history and young people need to learn, and remember.
Well deserved Standing O.....Outstanding page...The day our lives changed forever!
Thank you so much, and our grands will never know what it was like before. We need to teach them about that day and not let it ever become another footnote in history.
thank you for honoring this day and the people that we lost that day. That song lays me out every time. I saw him perform it for the very first time on the CMA Awards and the audience was sitting in stunned silence. They had to go to a commercial break because so many people were overcome. They let him perform it without the show ever hearing it. It was like 1-2 days after it happened.
I worry that people won't remember and that it will become a footnote in history, another chapter in a history book. I'd never heard it before this 4th of July when I listened to a patriotic playlist on Amazon. I've always loved Toby Keith, but otherwise not a country fan, until I realized country performers seem to be the only ones who do patriotic music. I'm definitely becoming a fan. Thank you so much for your sweet words, it was a very emotional layout to work on.

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Member Galleries, Joyful Heart Designs, ViVa Artistry, Oscraps Cheery O's,

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250.8 KB
1728px x 864px

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