

911-911-where were you when the world stopped turning that september morn.jpg

  • Media owner JeanneMN
  • Date added
The title is the title of an Alan Jackson song.
Journaling reads: I was at my desk in the library getting ready for my 9 am class. The view out my window wasn’t the best I could still see the beautiful blue sky. Kathy, my library assistant was up in the high school library. She called me and told me I needed to turn on the TV because a plane had
flown into the North Tower. I remember her saying, “This is not a joke, you need to turn on the TV. The world became an eerie place and I knew it would never be the same again.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Joyful Heart Designs
  2. Viva Artistry
Wow. what a layout Jeanne! I remember that day. I love the song and this layout (both pages) capture the feeling so well. :heartpumppink: Its a hauntingly beautiful layout.
Wow. what a layout Jeanne! I remember that day. I love the song and this layout (both pages) capture the feeling so well. :heartpumppink: Its a hauntingly beautiful layout.
Thank you so much Twin, it was hard to work on but I just felt I needed to do it.
Congrats on the GSO. This is an absolutely beautiful tribute page. Great masking skills to make this 2 pager look like one page, but can go alone as well!

Layout information

Challenge 3
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Additional categories
Member Galleries, Joyful Heart Designs, ViVa Artistry, Oscraps Cheery O's,

Image metadata

File size
250.8 KB
864px x 864px

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