

Focus Art Journaling Week 1

  • Media owner pachimac
  • Date added
I had this idea in my head to use a camera lens and put all the things I am focusing my attention on in my lifestyle changes, and I could not figure out how to do it. I was looking through the store and found this amazing template by Vicki Robinson, and I knew I had my base for my page!!!

The pictures reflect my changes in exercise, food choices, going to the gym, taking time for self reflection, relaxation, and being more in touch with nature.

I couldn't help it - I had to add my cute little chihuahuas too...
Credits list
Lynn Anzelc | A Scrap of Autumn
Lynn Anzelc | Life Line Grief

NLD | Time Captured
Rachel Jefferies | Little Things Misc Mixed Media Bits

Anna Aspnes | Artsy Cameras 3
Anna Aspnes | Snapshot 1

Carol Wright Designs | Healing Power

Mixed Media by Erin | Okeeffe

Mediterranka Designs | Take Me Home

Vicki Robinson | Scrap Now 09 Template
I love the template for your photo framing and the quote about focus. Congrats on your GSO!
I love the quote - If you focus on the results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results. Must remember that one!!
I love this quote: 'When you focus on the results, change never happens. But when you focus on change, the results will come.' It's a great reminder for me, as I often fixate too much on the outcome and end up falling short.
I love this quote: 'When you focus on the results, change never happens. But when you focus on change, the results will come.' It's a great reminder for me, as I often fixate too much on the outcome and end up falling short.
I think we all do!! I'm very outcome oriented and one of my goals for the year 2024 was to enjoy the journey!

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800px x 800px

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