

While You Were Gone....

  • Media owner musicmom3
  • Date added
This layout is about pet-sitting, something I do a lot of, being there are four grand-animals in my life. When last on pet duty, I did some early decorating, to make the human-grand's homecoming more special.

To make this layout I clipped the main photo to a Fotoblendz (which I duplicated and moved along with a duplicate of the photo in order to capture more of the image). I then added phone extractions of the house number photos, arranging everything roughly on the page. For background, I used three Artsy Papers combined on different blend modes to enhance texture, as well as some supplies from the Transfer/Overlay part of the Artplay Palette. Once I was finished, I realized there wasn't enough visual story on the page for me, so I blended in one of the dogs over all the other layers, old-school style—with blending modes, layer masks, and an aA blending brush.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
I can 't help myself, I have to say it, this is so doggone cute! The blending of all the different photos is amazing and wow, all of the extractions, they are so cool. I think adding the granddog was brilliant, getting his approval on the layout
I can 't help myself, I have to say it, this is so doggone cute! The blending of all the different photos is amazing and wow, all of the extractions, they are so cool. I think adding the granddog was brilliant, getting his approval on the layout
Louie definitely has his big nose in everybody's business! Thanks for the appreciation!
Awesome page filled so many happy house vibes! Great extractions, love the pup! Elliott is going to love the new numbers on the mailbox. We get our little pup next week for a couple of days. I actually think it's more nerve racking than watching all 3 grandkids at the same time. :P
Agree with everything Jeanne says - there's this wonderful swirl of focus, between Artie? and the foreground numbers to the orange mums and back again. Love the differences in scale!
Awesome page filled so many happy house vibes! Great extractions, love the pup! Elliott is going to love the new numbers on the mailbox. We get our little pup next week for a couple of days. I actually think it's more nerve racking than watching all 3 grandkids at the same time. :p
Funny, I also get really nervous when watching Cher, even though she is much easier ;-)
Great selection of blended and extracted photos to tell the visual story. Looks like they'll be ready for fall.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
238.9 KB
Date taken
Tue, 03 September 2024 4:25 PM
648px x 648px

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