

Dream A Little Dream Of Me

I'm finally getting my wonderful meditation bench and garden scrapped. Many of my wonderful friends here at Oscraps sent me this beautiful bench and a totem (not pictured yet) after my husband passed away. It was unable to be assembled for quite awhile because the night time temps has to be a certain temperature for several consecutive days. Mother Nature didn't help us out any because we had a very late spring but my bench and totem are finally assembled and are in my meditation garden, overlooking the majestic view that my late husband loved so much.

Thanks again, to everybody who contributed to this wonderful memorial. I can never thank you enough.
Credits list
August Feeling Page Kit by CarolW Designs: August Feeling-Page Kit by CarolW Designs | Oscraps
For Once in my Life Page Kit by CarolW Designs: For Once In My Life-Page Kit by CarolW Designs | Oscraps
Faded Dreams Elements by Lynne Anzelc Designs: Digital Scrapbook Pack | Faded Dreams Elements by Lynne Anzelc | Oscraps

Designer(s) Used:
  1. CarolW Designs
  2. Lynne Anzelc Designs
This is stunning. How special to have that bench! :heartpumppink: What a wonderful group of ladies. Beautifully scrapped.
Thank you so much, Tracy. The ladies here are very special. I'll never get over them doing this. It's made of a concrete like material and is very heavy. :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred:
The lotus flower in the LO pulled me in, and then I read your description. My heart is breaking for you and I am sending condolences. The photo is so beautiful and the view is stunning. It is a perfect spot for meditation and remembrance. :hug1:
Cheryl, your meditation bench and area came out so beautifully. I know that it a long awaited accomplishment and that makes the finished product even more special. I am sure Chuck will be right there with you in spirit. The background paper and the botanical embellishments are perfect for the page.
The lotus flower in the LO pulled me in, and then I read your description. My heart is breaking for you and I am sending condolences. The photo is so beautiful and the view is stunning. It is a perfect spot for meditation and remembrance. :hug1:
Thank you SO much for your kind and heartfelt words, Celestine. This gift from my friends here at Oscraps means the world to me and I'm so thankful that we finally got it put together and in my "meditation spot." :heartpumpred::heartpumpred::hug4::hug1:
Cheryl, your meditation bench and area came out so beautifully. I know that it a long awaited accomplishment and that makes the finished product even more special. I am sure Chuck will be right there with you in spirit. The background paper and the botanical embellishments are perfect for the page.
Yes, Bitzee, it was worth the wait - we never knew that Gorilla Glue was so sensitive but I can attest to it now - it works. It came with the bench and totem and boy, does it ever hold - if it can hold cement grade structures, I can recommend it. Thanks for your sweet and heartfelt comments. We also added a hummingbird windchime (it's hard to see) but Chuck fed the hummingbirds every day, so it was also a fitting tribute to him. I will cherish this wonderful gift for the rest of my life. :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred:
Your meditation spot is so peaceful and serene. I love that it's right out your front door. Your layout commemorates Chucks memorial spot perfectly. The colors, the movement, the sentiments. So loving. :heartpumpred:
Your meditation spot is so peaceful and serene. I love that it's right out your front door. Your layout commemorates Chucks memorial spot perfectly. The colors, the movement, the sentiments. So loving. :heartpumpred:
Thanks so much, Amy. I love where I chose to put the bench and I get to love it every time I walk out my front door. What an awesome gift.

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Lynne Anzelc Designs, Oscraps Cheery O's, CarolW,

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153.5 KB
600px x 600px

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