
Challenge #1 thrugh the lens

Challenge #1 thrugh the lens

vstegall_goodtimes. word art, vrobinson_joy
I used allot of freebies and misc stuff from my stash
I think the most special thing about the town we live in now
is our wonderful friends. We have so much fun with them in and
around the town. The town is minutes away from the Gulf of
Mexico and we also have the Cottee River running through. We
have peaceful walks in the parks, great restaurants, beaches,
downtown with night life. We have a community clubhouse so met
many people there after moving from CT here 6 years ago. We are
close to Tampa, Clearwater and wonderful Tarpon Springs if we
need more to do.I miss our children and grandchildren but they
visit paradise and we do north. FYI-there is now snow or cold in Florida
What wonderful journaling about your hometown. The way you talk about your friends in your many layouts is always so special. It must be wonderful to find such good friends AFTER you have moved!
What a wonderful journal about your hometown. I love all the different styles of photo framing you did. Really fun to see. The life and town name are super fun the way you wrote them.
I enjoyed reading your journaling and I'm sure it's a wonderful location where you are living. I love the different frames and variety of photos. Gorgeous layout.
Thank you so much for playing along with me this month.
I love your last line, Debby - so true! I remember when you moved it was such a big change but you took to it like a fish to water. :D Your photos are great and I like how you arranged them and your vertical title is really cool.
You take such beautiful photos, Debby. I love these! And I loved your journaling. By the way Norma @Norma lives pretty close to you. It's nice to know we aren't the only west coast Florida scrappers!
Your photos are just gorgeous, I love the creative ways you display them, and your life, Nirvana. How wonderful that you can do all those things but still see grandchildren and kids. It is paradise, getting out of Minnesota 3 weeks in January & spending it in Key West. I so enjoyed your journaling - Very cool title work.

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