


  • Media owner AK_Tracy
  • Date added
This was fun but not what I had in mind when I first saw this prompt. Then the saying from the inspiration board struck me and I knew where I was going. I used Diamonds of the Season, Good Memories Mask, and Spring Time Pleasure mask.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. CarolW Designs
  2. et designs
  3. Palvinka
I remember you talking about your connection to the sun, Tracy. This is wonderful and just proves that sometimes AJ takes it's own direction. I'm so happy that you're enjoying Art Journaling!!
So sweet! I love how your photos progress through life. Another thing that caught my eye that's super creative is the opaque capital letters emphasizing the word it's over. You're doing so great with the AJ style and just letting your creativity go. Very profound and meaningful page.
So sweet! I love how your photos progress through life. Another thing that caught my eye that's super creative is the opaque capital letters emphasizing the word it's over. You're doing so great with the AJ style and just letting your creativity go. Very profound and meaningful page.
Thank you. I wasn't sure about the opaque capital letter but thought lets see. :heartpumppink: Glad you like it.
Wow, this is gorgeous Tracy and you used the quote so well. I really enjoyed looking through your photos and seeing how you put this together, it looks so good. And, I spy with-my-little-eye ------- FLOWERS! :floorlaugh:
Such a pretty page!

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