Oscraps Collabs Moving and Merry and Bright
Anna Aspnes APP Merry Tree and AT Glance - used two brushes and one transfer to create the snowbank border
origami fox by Mark Leonard
Poem: My Mother's Fox by Kelly Terwilliger
She saw it once, on the road of her childhood
where the pond and the woods
curved away. At the shadow’s edge,
an exclamation point—
leftover grasses whisking
and I can’t remember exactly how or if
she described it—
the air between us rubbed clean by crickets,
the sky already blowing leaves
over the stones we’d come to sit on.
There, she always said, That’s where.
And every time I passed thereafter
I looked, in case, into the space still waiting
for the fox to come again, an emptiness
having shaped, once, a small red
thought, a white-tipped brush,
a sharp quick jump over the lazy
dog of late September, this
dart of yes
pulled from her landscape,
put into mine.