


  • Media owner Joansmor
  • Date added
Inspiration – The inspiration for this came for the online session of aA Live last night. I notice a couple of the pictures used a sort of mat like background over the paper where several photos are blended together. So I decided to give it a try-my way.
Start – New>File 12x12 300.
Paper – I placed Solid paper 2 above the background layer.
Mask – Feuillemort Fotoblendz 4. I colored the layers beside the mask layer colors to match the photo.
Photos – I a picture of a wagon filled with pumpkins to the mask layer using Layer>Create Masking Layer. Another picture blended into the background and used a hard Light Blend Mode. A variety of other photos I blended into the paper using masks and blend modes.
Transfer-Placed Artsy Transfer2 under the photo. Grouped it and masked out some areas.
Elements – Used the over the title, placed seeds to look like they were on the ground, and put two copies of the leaves so they looked like they were stuck in the wagon with the pumpkins. And placed a word transfer over the white house in the photo of the pumpkin wagon.
Brushes – Placed an Urbanthreadz on the tower.
Title – Used the wood words Fall Days.
Finally added Drop Shadows where necessary.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
I love the way you have the leaves element in the cart and then those blended into the background. A beautiful as well as a colorful fall layout!
Beautiful job on this one! I love how so many elements are just peeking out from everywhere. Fantastic blending.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
472.4 KB
Date taken
Wed, 11 October 2023 8:05 AM
1000px x 1000px

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