
Cows on the road?

Cows on the road?

My adventure this summer was getting stuck in the middle of a herd of cows in the podunk town of Hanksville, Utah. Traveling through rural Utah, we turned around a curve and suddenly there were cows—many, many cows on the road. Right in front of us. Three cowboys were trying to coral them along with one farmer on a tractor. Took them about 20 minutes to move those stubborn bovines.

Oh, I lived in Texas for 22 years and never once saw a cow on the road!

Used Rachel goodies: two papers, one stain, one word strip, two elements
Used Anna Aspnes goodies: a cow stamp, a staple, word strip, font/text, word strip, wagon wheel.

Thanks for looking.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Rachel Jefferies
Too funny, what a great adventure! I love the cow brush and the dark background to set everything off. Cool page!
Gorgeous Layout! Love the dark background and the cow brush - and of course the photos! Maybe the grass was greener on the other side! Fortunately nothing happens!
What an experience!!! LOL I grew up in Texas and never saw cows on the road, either! Here in this small Alabama town that we are in now, a local neighbor who is probably about 1/2 a mile, or so, away from us had cows that kept getting out whenever it rained because the electric fence would get zapped out. They ended up in our back yard THREE different times!!! It was so CRAZY to look out the back door and see 6 HUGE black cows eating the berries off of our Heavenly Bamboo plants!! :floorlaugh: They ended up selling the cows so we don't have to worry about that happening again, thankfully!

This layout will be in tonight's Oscraps newsletter :heartpumpred:

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Rachel Jefferies
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