The left hand page to go with the last one I did about my great Uncle. I've just had DNA results back and as I expected this side of the family are giving me headaches; travellers aren't the easiest folk to research, very secretive and difficult to pin down so I'm having to just concentrate on what I definitely do know and hopefully I'll be able to track down the correct great grandparents...wish me luck! Also - this photo makes me think of the Godfather part 2 when Clemenza and Vito steal the rug; not saying this is the case here but it makes me chuckle!
Same process as the last page: start with an artsy paper as foundation then layer on top a selection of the transfers and brushes, flipping horizontally to alter the look, erasing some parts.
Photo is masked then painted back to reveal the figures, duplicated with one layer overlay and the other color burn to try and get more definition into this old photograph.