

June Storm (RIGHT) Life's What You Create

  • Media owner lacy
  • Date added
Life’s What You Create

After about a week of cleanup, things started to look more normal. Bundled limbs on the curb for the city to pick up. Chris, Todd and Malichi straightened the fence as best they could.

The third or fourth load they brought, or we went and picked up, to either burn or dump in the canyon. A few days later, Chris took the picture of some very weird looking clouds. It was a week or more of stress. And by the end of July, they had their roof repaired. Thousands of Tulsa families were in the same boat, or worse off.

I started with FotoInspired Template Pack 3C p8 and clipped my and Chris’ photos to the masks. Instead of a photo on mask4, I changed the Blend Mode to Difference, then grouped all the photos/mask layers. I placed APP He Solid Paper2 below the group, flipped Horizontally. I added Transfers, Paper Textures, Overlays, Elements, glow, word art and splatters, some above and some below the grouped photos and finished with journaling.
Credits list
FotoInspired Template Pack 3C On Sale Now
For The Boys Value Pack No 1 On Sale Through July 31
ArtPlay Palette He (Solid Paper 2)
ArtPlay Palette Noble (Transfer 4, Overlay 2, cloud, float, splatter)
ArtPlay Palette Reflections (flower)

Color WordART Mix 1
Paper Textures 8-4, 8-10
Paper Textures 4-4 no longer in the store
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Amazing weather and the work that it gives us! So happy everyone is ok. Another great template page!
What havoc. I don't think I would fare well in those Wizard-of-Oz situations. The torn edges of the template masks work really well here, adding to the unsettling vibe. And somehow you have made beauty out of all this with your layout. Definitely, "life's what you create"!

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Anna Aspnes
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257.2 KB
600px x 600px

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