

Richard and Catherine Love

  • Media owner ksacry
  • Date added
Text Reads: My Habel Great-Grandparents must have been very much in love. They eloped to Chicago, where they were married on April 15, 1896. Richard had a job in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Catherine and their firstborn baby, Edith, were left behind in Sioux City.
He wrote a letter to his family from Rapid City Jan 19, 1898: “My Dear Loving Wife and Baby, I thought I would write you a few lines and tell you where I was. Today is Sunday, and I went up in the hills with some of the workers (?)--- some nice stones, and I was in a big cave. They call it a wind cave. I can tell it was large and nice in there. We were down in it as far as we dared to go. Darling, I am writing this little letter on a little piece of bark I cut from one of the trees. It is nice you can show dad(?) some of it and ask him if he ever seen any of it before. I know he never did since we left Germany and show it to Mary and tell her I will send the nicest stones she ever saw, so by – Love, sending you many kisses and loving wishes and let me know if you got the money. Write soon. By by.”
They had a tough life. They were birthing 8 children and burying 5. Richard was very innovative and held 2 U.S. Patents. In their later years, they lived on Myrtle Street in Sioux City, Iowa, across the street from the Charles Wolf house. Richard died in 1952, and Catherine lived in a trailer parked on the Joseph and Edith Wolf property in Ashton, Iowa. She died on August 25, 1966.

Construction: I started with the Artsy Layered Template No 194. I clipped my main photo to the template’s white stain layer and modified it slightly. I turned off the frame layers and added the scanned letter in roughly the same area adding a drop shadow. I also duplicated and moved several of the template layers.
I added the ArtPlay Palette Bliss round frame #2 with Richard Wolf’s black and white photo clipped to the mask.
For the frame cluster, I added the charm and white button from the palette along with the element parts of the MultiMedia Bliss No 1 #1. I wrapped the Tulle ribbon slightly to lay it appropriately for my text.
For the title Cluster I used Metal Words No 1 “adore” (Available as part of this collection only) with the palette’s Threaded Heart. I added the palette’s paper rose to my Great Grandmother’s hair.
I used another Metal Words No 1 “us” below the letter text with a modified red ribbon from the palette’s Threaded Heart.
Credits list
ArtPlay Collection Bliss is On Sale Now until July 5th at 9 am EDT.
ArtPlay Bliss Collection
ArtPlay Palette Bliss
Artsy Layered Template No 194
MultiMedia Bliss No 1
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
Reactions: bcazzell

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Anna Aspnes
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