

Richard and Catherine Love

  • Media owner ksacry
  • Date added
Text Reads: My Habel Great-Grandparents must have been very much in love. They eloped to Chicago, where they were married on April 15, 1896. Richard had a job in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Catherine and their firstborn baby, Edith, were left behind in Sioux City.
He wrote a letter to his family from Rapid City Jan 19, 1898: “My Dear Loving Wife and Baby, I thought I would write you a few lines and tell you where I was. Today is Sunday, and I went up in the hills with some of the workers (?)--- some nice stones, and I was in a big cave. They call it a wind cave. I can tell it was large and nice in there. We were down in it as far as we dared to go. Darling, I am writing this little letter on a little piece of bark I cut from one of the trees. It is nice you can show dad(?) some of it and ask him if he ever seen any of it before. I know he never did since we left Germany and show it to Mary and tell her I will send the nicest stones she ever saw, so by – Love, sending you many kisses and loving wishes and let me know if you got the money. Write soon. By by.”
They had a tough life. They were birthing 8 children and burying 5. Richard was very innovative and held 2 U.S. Patents. In their later years, they lived on Myrtle Street in Sioux City, Iowa, across the street from the Charles Wolf house. Richard died in 1952, and Catherine lived in a trailer parked on the Joseph and Edith Wolf property in Ashton, Iowa. She died on August 25, 1966.

Construction: I started with the Artsy Layered Template No 194. I clipped my main photo to the template’s white stain layer and modified it slightly. I turned off the frame layers and added the scanned letter in roughly the same area adding a drop shadow. I also duplicated and moved several of the template layers.
I added the ArtPlay Palette Bliss round frame #2 with Richard Wolf’s black and white photo clipped to the mask.
For the frame cluster, I added the charm and white button from the palette along with the element parts of the MultiMedia Bliss No 1 #1. I wrapped the Tulle ribbon slightly to lay it appropriately for my text.
For the title Cluster I used Metal Words No 1 “adore” (Available as part of this collection only) with the palette’s Threaded Heart. I added the palette’s paper rose to my Great Grandmother’s hair.
I used another Metal Words No 1 “us” below the letter text with a modified red ribbon from the palette’s Threaded Heart.
Credits list
ArtPlay Collection Bliss is On Sale Now until July 5th at 9 am EDT.
ArtPlay Bliss Collection
ArtPlay Palette Bliss
Artsy Layered Template No 194
MultiMedia Bliss No 1
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
Reactions: bcazzell
What a fateful bittersweet story! Thank you for sharing them with us. Losing 5 children - the poor parents!!! And it's also sad that Catherine had to live in a trailer at the end of her life. (I hope Google translated everything correctly!!) You have conjured up a very nice site from this story.
Congrats on the Gallery Standouts feature. Great job on a beautiful memory page and story.
Congratulations on the GSO!
This is definitely a standout. Love love love the use of the ribbon and the treasure that is Richard's letter home. How sad for them to bury so many of their children.
congratulation on the gso.
this is a wonderful love story with a lot of tragedy and sadness. coping with the death of 5 children has probably made the two of them even closer.
i love the inserted letter on the right and the ribbon frame. beautiful tribute.
Congratulations on the GSO! A bitter sweet piece of heritage captured. Love the inclusion of the letter. Love the framing of the younger husband.
How wonderful that you were able to incorporate that real-life piece of journaling into your layout! Congrats on your GSO!

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Anna Aspnes
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