My grandson had a hard time with his vaccines, his cry reaching a new ear-piercing pitch. He has teeth coming in, too. Poor little fellow.
I started this page for the baby book with the template that comes in the collection, selecting all the layers and nudging them toward the center of the page so the framed photos wouldn't be too close to the trim line of my printed book. I clipped my photo to a transfer in the template, then, to define it and add highlights, inserted a Fotoblendz and clipped a duplicate of my photo to that—FotoGlows from my stash added a little light. The background is lined paper 1. I didn't need the small black frame that comes with the template for a photo, but I liked how its presence balanced the layout, so used it as a mat for ornamentation—a baby deer from the Meadow APP over the wood tile from the elements included in Homemade. At the last minute I added a Mosaic Tile Filter from the Photoshop Elements effects panel to the top frame photo to support the multi-layered theme of the template. The Word Art Cluster was altered slightly to be more suitable to the theme of my page.