

Magic & Love

  • Media owner pmjames
  • Date added
Working on Anna's Cut, Blend and Align Class
Credits list
Artplay Homemade Collection
Artplay Palette Homemade
Homemade WordART Clusters No.1

HandScript No.1
UrbanStitchez No.12
UrbanStitchez No.18

Process The Background is An Artsy Paper and a Solid Paper, placed over top of each each. The colour was adjusted via a Hue/Saturation Layer. An Artsy Paper was cut, realigned (with a drop shadow applied to each). On reflection I changed my mind about the paper and clipped a different paper to each of the pieces. My Image was extracted, and duplicated three times. Each Layer has a different Blending Mode applied. Levels and Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layers were applied to some of the Layers. A Paper Texture, Splatters, and a Transfer were placed on top of the Image. Multiple Transfers were added below the cut paper layers. A Photo Filter Adjustment Layer was placed on top of the Transfers. Dimensional elements, Stitching and WordART were added next with a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer to change the colour of the Elements.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
Reactions: zlemon and lacy
the photo is just delightful. nice blending and good size of the title work.
This made me smile. Love the blended photo clipped to the paper. Excellent job on the Cut, Blend, Align process.
Love this! I'm wishing I had taken this class. Will keep it on my list of classes to take for the future.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
213.9 KB
1000px x 1000px

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