

Anna Aspnes-digital-scrapbook-artplay-class-Cut, Blend And Align-Lighthouse-Joan.jpg

  • Media owner Joansmor
  • Date added
Inspiration – My inspiration is Anna’s Cut, Blend and Align Class. I am an early riser so it is a good time to play while my company sleeps.
Start- File>New 12x12 300.
Creating “punched paper look – Placed my photo on the page and duplicated turned off the lower copy. Put the punched paper from Ikigai over the middle of the photo. Got an outline by clicking with the Magic Wand tool. Turned off the punched paper. Clicked on the create Mask icon at the bottom of the layers panel. Used a white brush to bring back the top of the photo. Temporarily turned of this layer and turned on the copy. Moved the punched paper over this and turned in around and moved it slightly. Followed the same steps on bringing back the bottom part of the photo and using the brush in both black and white to change the punched edge slightly.
Paper - Placed Solid Paper 3 from Fotographie above the background layer and added a black and white adjustment layer and reduced opacity to 60%.
Transfers – Used SurfsUp Gold 3 and Lavalliere transfer 2 to give some texture to the page.
Elements -I put the boat from Oscraps Live Lessons.
Brush – took Take Flight 5.4 in black to finish the theme
Title – Bravura wordart “Dare to Shine” Became my title.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Wow
Reactions: bcazzell and ksacry
the main picture is very interestingly designed and your background is gorgewous. great page.

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Anna Aspnes
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Anna Aspnes-digital-scrapbook-artplay-class-Cut, Blend And Align-Lighthouse-Joan.jpg
File size
288.2 KB
Date taken
Fri, 05 May 2023 4:36 AM
1000px x 1000px

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