
AnnaLift: The Mother of Invention

AnnaLift: The Mother of Invention

I was pretty busy doing backups when Garth delivered Jux 4.0, but I took time to look at it anyway. Turned out backups and fractals worked well together, and I looked at a sample that used orbit traps. Soon I was on a mission, to use orbit traps to create placement maps for my pages.
Credits list
Anna Aspnes: Paper (winter), APEunoia, Butterfly, MMDocs6, StitchezHearts5, MMBursts, WordArt, Brushes
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Your pages are so unique. So much flow, momentum and ideas, so much creativity, so many individual elements that combine into one, so variable in design, colours and styles. How do you do that, and always so quickly? Incredible and very, very inspiring.
Here I like the fresh colours and the stitchz that runs across the double page to the quote.
Also a great quote and title work.
Your pages are so unique. So much flow, momentum and ideas, so much creativity, so many individual elements that combine into one, so variable in design, colours and styles. How do you do that, and always so quickly? Incredible and very, very inspiring.
Here I like the fresh colours and the stitchz that runs across the double page to the quote.
Also a great quote and title work.
Thank you soooo much! I probably can't answer that, but I'd say I prioritize storage of my assets and use the challenges to test whether I have them how I need them for instant access. I use a very flat filing system, and build out all of the missing pngs in Anna's releases. I studied color for the computer industry early on, and have a passion for everything about color. Also, now that I do a daily art journal I get a lot more practice and very often something on my new page has been on a recent daily page.
Stunning design with fabulous flow and movement! Congratulations on the Standing O!
Agree with all of the above! Not sure I understand your journaling ;-), but love the flow! Congratulations on the well-deserved Standing O!
Love the way the stitching weaves through the page, tying everything together. Congrats on your Standing O!
Pinks and greens are my favorite spring colors! Congrats on the Standing O!
Congrats on the SO! Very beautiful layout, love the colors. I don't understand a lot of what you said, but I love it! Especially the trailing threadz across the pages.

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Anna Aspnes
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981.9 KB
1224px x 773px

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