


  • Media owner dwsewbiz
  • Date added
Page 2 from MultiFotoTemplate Album 3. I used the FotoBlendz+Stains twice and removed some of the frames.
Added journaling, then went to town with Transfers, Cluster Elements, Splatters, and a Gradient Overlay. Nothing fancy, just look for color buddies, balance, visual triangles - note blue, green and yellow color buddies, yellow and splatter visual triangles, pelican visual triad of photos.
Credits list
MultiFotoTemplate Album 3
ArtPlay Palette He (solid background paper)
ArtPlay Palette Alfresco (Transfers)
ArtPlay Palette Ambages (Transfers + yellow button and flower))
ArtPlay Palette Aubade (elements, including ribbon fish)
Urban Stitchez Leaves 3 (filled with white, Drop Shadow added)
Splatters 14 (filled with white)
Skribble Sun 2
Watercolor Palm Trees 2 (Color Fill + Gradient)
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Love the way you used the palm trees and the overall light teal color. That yellow ribbon fish is a fun touch.
So interesting to look at, the beaches in California are art. Love the moody blues and greens and of course .... the palm trees!
This is so great! Love the tropical greens and blues. The humorous statue is extra!
I knew, pretty weird statue, but it's a great story of these brothers (twins but born on different days :-) ) from Missouri who invented the first diving helmet and wet suit and went on to found BodyGlove from their surf shop in Redondo Beach. Local legends :-)

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
196.4 KB
1000px x 618px

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