
The Smokestacks

The Smokestacks

In the city
brick walls lay in ruins
from the airaids
from the gunfire
The tall smokestacks
of industry
silent now

App Embers
Anna skinny lined overlays
Artsy Kardz Home
Artsy paint
Urban sprawl paint
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
This beautiful design is featured in the AnnaLift Challenge!

The Smokestacks by helenedubois is a provocative statement of the destructive power of war. The journaling is combined with an abstract image of an industrialized community. The smokestacks are depicted in flowing lines that blur and fade with a heavy washed fog of decay. Thoughts and themes of war, pollution, and societal decline echo throughout an ever present news cycle. The colors are neutrals of burnished orange, grey, and black. The bold shapes are dark contrasts to the light ground. Thin artsy strokes dance and frame the image. The journaling appears in poetic lines to complete the artistry.

Thank you, helene, for sharing your stunning and inspirational artistry.

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Anna Aspnes
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