
Forbidden Seas

Forbidden Seas

ArtPlay Palette De Novo
De Novo FotoBlendz No.1
ArtPlay Palette Shivoo (brush 6)
PaperTextures No.1
ArtPlay Palette SeaLive (anchor)
Clouds No.2
ArtsyStains No.2
ArtPlay MiniPalette Deciduous (string)
ArtPlay Palette Vitality (metal fish)
Mermaids No.1
ArtPlay Palette Aubade (driftwood)
ArtsyTransfers Palette Plage

Have had this photo for a long time. Date on back says 1851. Doesn't look that old too me, so maybe it's not a date. Started with a solid from De Novo, placed transfers top and bottom of the page, then masked the photo between the transfers. Once the main image was pretty much in place, I started building the story with the different elements ... clouds, birds, driftwood, compass, string around the driftwood, fish. Created a composite of the image, then started again with a new solid. Masked the composite using De Novo FotoBlendz No.1. Added the title, the bit from Moby Dick (scanned page), then decided that I needed to have more of an underwater look below the image, so added back in the original composite and masked out the top portion. I think that covers it :). Thanks for looking.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
stunning! love your treatment, blending, masking and the wonderful blue--> so perfect in every way!
I am a big fan from this style that you always do, so i have not enough words to say how beautiful this is. So congratulations i give you a Standing O #72
Love your page, Adryane. The photo is awesome, love the blues, your blending, the birds, and word art. Congrats on the Standing O! ♥
The color is grabbing me, and that little bit of looming menace, too, just as there should be when navigating Moby Dick. Masterful work here.

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Anna Aspnes
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67.4 KB
600px x 600px

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