

anna-aspnes-digital-art-artplay-Sonoma collection-Joan Robillard-Fifties photos.jpg

  • Media owner Joansmor
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Inspiration – Not being able to take a lot of pictures I decided to look for some in Pixabay. I typed in fifties for a search and found three wonderful photos all with red in them.
Start – Open Artsy layered Template 277. Turned off most of the layers except the frames.
Photos – the first photo I placed above and to the right of the frame. I added a stroke – edit Stroke 20 px. Then I duplicated the photo. I filled the bottom one with 50%gray and ran a gaussian blur on it. Lastly, I changed the blend mode to Vivid Light. I put two other photos in the frames using Layer>Create Clipping Mask. One of the photos I duplicated and used Ctrl U to desaturate the layer. Then I erased a couple of areas on the layer to show the red below for a selected color. I opened a car photo that I have and used the object selection tool to extract it from the photo. I added a drop shadow layer.
The last frame – I added Ornate cut 1 to the mask layer attaching using Layer>Create Clipping Mask. Then I filled the ornate layer with red.
Transfers – placed Artsy Transfer 2 at the top to the page and under the photo layers. Put Edgeoverlay 2 on the right edge after I flipped it Vertically. I then used Ctrl U to adjust the red in the transfer to make it a brighter layer.
Elements – added Multimedia Branch 11.1. I selected the grape layer to make it red instead of blue using Ctrl U.
Brush – I put brush 12 in the lower left corner in blue.
Words – Used the word art Live in Good Times as the title. I put a word transfer under the title with a blend mode of Multiply.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
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Reactions: zlemon
This just popped out of the gallery at me. The vibrant red is so eye-catching. I enjoyed reading through your process.

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Anna Aspnes
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anna-aspnes-digital-art-artplay-Sonoma collection-Joan Robillard-Fifties photos.jpg
File size
322.2 KB
Date taken
Fri, 02 September 2022 2:17 PM
1000px x 1000px

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