

Challenge #4: Lazy Summer Days

  • Media owner isDK
  • Date added
When I first saw the girl bunny laying so flat and motionless, I was startled and she heard me and perked up. I was so worried that some predator had stopped by because yes, they do. She was fine, and when I had a chance I got a photo of her. The white tail tells me she's a girl.
Credits list
Anna Aspnes: Papers (Plage, winter), fotoblendz, button
Lorie Davison: H4TH stitches
Lynn Grieveson: This is the moment (paper, bits)
Wordart: Timounette for this challenge
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Lorie Davison
  3. Lynn Grieveson
Loving this (including the ID info about the tail, going to Google to see whether this is true of the bunnies in our area). I like how you expanded the size of the Plage texture--it plays really well BIG. The perforations at the edges of the spread play off that texture nicely too. So very well composed, as always.
Loving this (including the ID info about the tail, going to Google to see whether this is true of the bunnies in our area). I like how you expanded the size of the Plage texture--it plays really well BIG. The perforations at the edges of the spread play off that texture nicely too. So very well composed, as always.
Thanks! I had heard 25 years ago that the females had a white-r tail, but search engine says maybe no. Sorry I didn't think to check. This is the first white tail I've seen here, all these years after "learning" about how to tell them apart, so I got kind of excited. Now to unlearn. :D
Love the perforated border and pebble texture. The orange pops. The population of rabbits around here has increased, but then the other day I saw 2 coyotes cross the field. The predator/prey balance of nature.
Love the pops of green and peach and your use of the 12x12 fotoblendz. I haven't had a chance yet to use the latest ones, putting that on my ever growing list of things to try.
Oh my...you do the nicest two page layouts. I love the bunny...and the information about the how you identified it...true or not! The textures on the page are so interesting, along with the colors. I love that you selected the green stitches and then you partially colored the word art. Stunning page!
The orange button with the green stitching looks like a carrot. I'm happy to read your bunny was okay. The texture is great.
I love the little cluster below her and how you have masked her! Interesting information about the tail! Wonderful page!
Such a cute photo and rabbit.
Love the touches of green : grass, WA and Stitch.
Gorgeous design.
Thanks for playing.

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Challenge 4
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Additional categories
Member Galleries, Anna Aspnes, Lorie Davison, Lynn Grieveson,

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File size
972.7 KB
1224px x 777px

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