
I took 3 of the backgrounds and used the layer blend technique to make one paper. In Photoshop, It's Layer --> Layer style --> Blending Options. There's a slider on the bottom that says Blend If and it has two sliders - one for the top layer and one for the underlying layer. If you move the bottom one, it will push up the lights or darks (depending on whether you slide the black one or the white one). same with the other slider only it will push the top layer down.
Credits list
Xuxper Designs Colorful Delicacies
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Xuxper Designs
  • Love
Reactions: Blackthorne
Lovely layout for that cutie pie! I sang along as I read the lyrics.
Gorgeousness!! What a happy page! I love using that slider in the blending modes!! If you press the options button on a Mac it does even more different things!
Love the blended papers into one... beautiful background. Aw... she is so sweet. The black/white photos really stand out against the vivid colors of the beautiful clustering and stacked elements. So happy you joined the challenge.
Awesome page ... Love the clusters and great job with the blending modes ... It's too long ago I used the blend if mode ... The B&W phots are so beautiful here with the color of your design!

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Challenge 5
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File size
318 KB
800px x 800px

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