


  • Media owner pmjames
  • Date added
Created with the Artplay Bespoke and Twilight Zone Collections on Sale Now, with bits from the newly released Digital Art Bundle No.19.
Credits list
Artplay Palette Bespoke
ArtsyKardz Bespoke Multipack
Time WordART Mix No.1
Around The Clock No.2
MultiMedia Bespoke No.1 (included in the Bonus when you purchase the entire Bespoke Collection)
MultiMedia Magic Sprinklez No.1 (from the Twilight Zone Collection also on Sale)
Paper Textures No.16 (from the DigitalART Bundle No.19 on Sale)
Take Flight No. 5 (from the DigitalART Bundle No.19 on Sale)
Urban Stitchez Sunshine No.3

Process A 12x12 canvas was opened up and an Artsy Paper placed on top of the Background Layer. Transfers were placed on top of the Paper and two copies of my Focal Image were blended via a Hard Light and a Soft Light Blending Mode. They were further blended with a Layer Mask and Brushes. Paper Textures, Pictorial Brushes and WordTransfers were placed on top of the image and supporting images and ArtsyKardz were clipped to the frames from the Artsy Layered Template. Dimensional elements and stitching completed the layout.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
Reactions: zlemon
Looks like a great place to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee. Beautiful sky and blending.
This looks so peaceful. I like how you arranged the coffees with the cluster and the yellow pops.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
255.9 KB
1000px x 1000px

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