

Baby Space Invaders - Twilight Zone

  • Media owner lacy
  • Date added
Image credit: Chet Phillips, processed with watercolor/sketch action.

Place Solid Paper 5 on new document, adjust hue to light green. Place Fotoblendz 1-4, group layers, clip image to group. Place Artsy Transfers 1 and 5, Transfers/Overlays, Art Stroke, and White Splatter. Embellish with MultiMedia Magic Sprinklez 1-5, WordART, customized beaded threadz, and brushes using mixer brush and regular brush.
Credits list
Anna Release 7 August 2020 Twilight Zone (paper, art strokes, overlays, transfers, splatter, Fotoblendz 1-4, Artsy Transfers 1 & 5, brushes, WordART, Multii Media Magic Sprinklez)
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
  • Haha
Reactions: ksacry and Betty Jo
Awesome page with baby Yoda, and it really looks like outer space with all the blends, splatters, and sparkles. ♥
Great page, love the greens! I'm one of the few people in the world who was never a Star Wars fan, but I do like the new series, starting with the Mandolorian. I think the less complex stories are easier for my non-sci-fi brain to handle.
You can't go wrong with baby Yoda (I love the Mandalorian series). Thank for the chuckle :D "Diaper I wear."
Very cool! Watched season 1 of the Mandalorian series, need to catch up.
Great page, love the greens! I'm one of the few people in the world who was never a Star Wars fan, but I do like the new series, starting with the Mandolorian. I think the less complex stories are easier for my non-sci-fi brain to handle.
Well I am somewhat of a science fiction fan. And until 2020 (lockdown) I had only seen the first and the last. So I got Disney+ I watched all of them in order, then Mandalorian, enjoyed tremendously. Now I'm deep into the Marvel stuff.

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Anna Aspnes
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314.4 KB
600px x 600px

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