


  • Media owner ksacry
  • Date added
I took this photo back in 2015 as I was visiting my cousin. She had a front door with beveled glass and a flag flying outside. I've always liked the picture but never really knew what to do with it. When I saw the Salute ArtPlay Palette, it was the first photo that came to mind.

Construction: I started with the Salute Artsy Layered Template. I deleted the frames and used the MultiMedia Salute No. 1 #3 included in the collection Bonus. I clipped my photo to the fotoblendz of MultiMedia #3 frame. I placed ArtPlay Palette Salute Solid Paper #2 as the background.
I added MultiMedia Salute No. 1 #5, included in the collection Bonus, on top of the frame.
I used other ArtPlay Palette transfers, Salute WordART Mix No. 1 Word Transfer Independence, and Artsy Transfers Salute #5 to fill in the background.
I added several duplicated ArtPlay Palette Salute Blue Sequins about the page and a ArtPlay Palette Salute Blue Glitter Star at the top.
To finish, I added Salute WordART Mix No. 1 Beaded Thread Salute and word art “This Land” {with an added stroke and shadow).
Credits list
A classic Anna Release, ArtPlay Palette Salute Collection with Bonus, is On Sale Now.
AnnaRelease 10 July 2020

Supplies used in this layout:
ArtPlay Palette Salute
ArtsyTransfers Salute
Salute Artsy Layered Template
MultiMedia Salute No. 1
Salute WordART Mix No. 1
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
A good reminder that we are all in this together even as the country appears to be becoming daily more divided. I like your photo--there's an abstraction to it that goes perfectly with your journaling.
A good reminder that we are all in this together even as the country appears to be becoming daily more divided. I like your photo--there's an abstraction to it that goes perfectly with your journaling.
Thanks for noticing. I wondered if someone would pickup on that "fractured flag" photo and the journaling.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
245 KB
600px x 600px

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