

family tree

  • Media owner Adryane
  • Date added
ArtPlay Palette Epic (paper, transfers, overlay, brushes)
ArtsyKardz Epic
UrbanStitchez Leaves No.2
UrbanStitchez Leaves No.3
ArtPlay Mini Palette Deciduous (metal leaf charm)
ArtPlay Mini Palette Amity (metal leaf charm-small)

Have you ever wondered about the individual branches of your family tree and their effect on the rest of the tree?

A tree without branches won’t survive. Branches create, transport, and store nutrients On the other hand, by eliminating excessive or competing branches, a tree’s shape improves. You increase the amount of sunlight and air that can circulate through the tree’s canopy. If a branch breaks off a tree, you don’t need to get rid of the whole branch. Simply cut off the broken part. And, although it goes without saying, a dead branch cannot revive itself.

All of this, I think, is relevant to family trees.

I’ve seen the damage competing branches inflict on the overall health of the tree. Unfortunately, I’ve also seen how the tree improves when a damaged branch that received much love and care is finally let go and the sun is allowed to shine through the open space left behind.

The sunlight is, I believe, a gift from the departing branch. It’s sad to lose a part of your tree but isn’t there some obligation to nurture the tree as a whole so that it has its best chance to thrive? I’m not sure. Time will tell.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Simply stunning. The journaling is so thought-provoking, and your use of the stitches is inspired. Congrats on your GSO!
Love the use of threadz and stitching. Great! Congrats on being featured on Gallery Standouts!
This went fairly quickly because of the ArtsyKardz. I opened two of the 3 x 4 .psd files and brought all of the layers to a 12 x 12 new document. I placed the Artsy Kardz next to each other with a little bit of overlap, then clipped the photo to the different layers to see what would happen. I added an extra blended image of each person onto the page by cutting the face out of the original image. The stitchez are layered over all of the artsykardz layers. I added a few brushes to define the main space. There is a photo glow placed between the broken stitches for my sun. To finish, I added the title and journaling, the additional metal leaves, and the word strip and called it done.
Thank you for sharing this Adryane!

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Anna Aspnes
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66.1 KB
600px x 600px

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