
IE : Personal : Hopeful
Created this layout for Vicki Robinson Designs : February 2022 Challenge : I Used her featured collection : P.S. I Love You and her prompts for this challenge...It drew a lot of personal emotions out of me and seeing some of the other more personal pages...I guess I went there...I've been going through some very personal health woes & I talk a little bit about what inspired the layout over in Vicki's Designer Challenge Thread...but not too much...I figured the page will do the talking for me...And know that this page is *very personal* for me and that this is a photo of me in 3 different ways...I don't post that many layouts with my own photos in them...a few tears were shed...I will not be posting this page on my FB account...I don't post these more private pages there...Only here...

Thanks in advance for those who take the time to read/and/or/comment
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Repeating my comments from the forum:

I don’t quite know what to say, Rhonda. Maybe I’ll just say thank you for bring brave enough to write these words. And thank you for trusting us with this extremely personal page. And thank you for using art as an outlet for your pain. The art can’t make anything better, but perhaps it can, at least a tiny bit, lessen the negative energy unspoken words hold. It takes courage to reveal yourself this way, and I’m honored you chose this challenge as your instrument. I hope with the tears, you felt even the slightest release. If I could reach through this iPad, I’d give you the biggest, most gentle hug so that you know for sure their are others in this world that feel you. Keeping you in my heart, girl.
Repeating my comments from the forum:

I don’t quite know what to say, Rhonda. Maybe I’ll just say thank you for bring brave enough to write these words. And thank you for trusting us with this extremely personal page. And thank you for using art as an outlet for your pain. The art can’t make anything better, but perhaps it can, at least a tiny bit, lessen the negative energy unspoken words hold. It takes courage to reveal yourself this way, and I’m honored you chose this challenge as your instrument. I hope with the tears, you felt even the slightest release. If I could reach through this iPad, I’d give you the biggest, most gentle hug so that you know for sure their are others in this world that feel you. Keeping you in my heart, girl.
@Vicki Robinson

Thank You! so much Vicki!...I feel like Oscraps is a safe personal space for me...The feelings lately have been plentiful...Thank You! for your kind words & constant support...and it does help to scrap the feelings of the moment...I am grateful for all the support & kindnesses I have received here from you & everyone here...hearts xo Rhonda...
Oh, Rhonda! I am standing here applauding, knowing the courage this took and agreeing 100% that Oscraps is a SAFE place, filled with love and warmth. I didn't share mine on my FB page either - too many there do not know the struggle, but scraping is such a great outlet when the feelings just run over and there is not stopping them. Kudos, my friend, for this wonderful, personal page. Thanks for your trust and for being YOU. You know where I am if the need should arise... And congratulations on a well-deserved Standing O!
Oh, Rhonda! I am standing here applauding, knowing the courage this took and agreeing 100% that Oscraps is a SAFE place, filled with love and warmth. I didn't share mine on my FB page either - too many there do not know the struggle, but scraping is such a great outlet when the feelings just run over and there is not stopping them. Kudos, my friend, for this wonderful, personal page. Thanks for your trust and for being YOU. You know where I am if the need should arise... And congratulations on a well-deserved Standing O!
@Susan - s3js

You are the sweetest...You have always been so kind & supportive of me & my art even over at PBP...Your page is so beautiful! & powerful!...It gave me a bit of inspiration for my page too...talking about chronic pain,depression,anxiety & other health issues is very difficult for me...I have gotten strange looks from people & they just stare & don't understand...They give you that "look" I call it...That pity look...I hate it!...They think because you have health issues that you are a freak or are not capable...Yes my health issues restrict a lot of what I can do now but we all must find our way in the world...Even if it is not the way you want it to be...You have to take each day as it comes & just hope that it won't be as bad as the day or days before...I have been in worse health crises but I have a rather serious one going on right now...I'll let you know what happens...I have to see my doctor in 2 weeks...I think he may put me in the hospital or maybe at least for tests or some kind of treatment...either way it will be a struggle for me to get there in my current condition...But finally getting to see him will be a good thing...

Thank You! for the Congrats! & Thank You! for extending your hand of friendship too...I really appreciate it...And you as well...Take care of yourself...Give yourself a hug for your wonderful page too!...

Hearts & Hugs,
xo Rhonda
Oh my goodness! @RJMJ I am in awe! This page is amazing! I love that you were able to dig so deeply into your emotions and then share them with the rest of us! I am so glad that you have your Ray to keep you going! And the O is such an amazing place...the people here are so kind and supportive! Please continue to share your beautiful work!
Oh my goodness! @RJMJ I am in awe! This page is amazing! I love that you were able to dig so deeply into your emotions and then share them with the rest of us! I am so glad that you have your Ray to keep you going! And the O is such an amazing place...the people here are so kind and supportive! Please continue to share your beautiful work!

Wow! Thank you! so much for taking the time to visit my gallery,stop & leave such a heartfelt comment.Since joining Oscraps & becoming a Cheery-o here I have made so many new friends & received so much love & support from so many.I love it here!.There is inspiration everywhere;from the gallery & from all the very special people here.It is so nice to be heard & understood.My only regret is that I didn't join sooner!!!...I'm so grateful everyday for all of my blessings including my special Ray & my wonderful! Dad & all the friends that I have made through here & throughout the digi universe,my FB layout page gallery & so many numerous others I have met throughout the scrapbooking universe .It's wonderful to be a part of such a loving & openhearted community.Something I don't take for granted.& to you as well.just one of the many kind people I have met here & who opened their heart & supported me right away.I'm not planning going anywhere...I hope to be here for a very long time.Sharing my own pages & being inspired by everyone else's pages too!...Thank You! so much! & always appreciated...xo Rhonda...

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Vicki Robinson Designs
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VR-PSILY-Feb 2022-Designer Challenge-IE-Personal-Hopeful2.jpg
File size
301.5 KB
Date taken
Wed, 16 February 2022 8:45 PM
600px x 600px

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