

Artsale ArtPlay Feuillemort BackPorch

  • Media owner dwsewbiz
  • Date added
As it gets colder, I will have to figure out what to do with all the plants on my back porch.
I love this spot, with the homemade macrame, the propagated plants (I took cuttings from my massive jade plant which I had to leave behind in San Jose), the dried grass from our backyard plant, the little camper watering can I found on a walk with Ozzy.
Credits list
Artplay Palette Feuillemort Collection - on sale 9/15, including Autumn Word Art Mix No 4, Feuillemort FotoBlendz, Urban Threadz No 17
Summer Template Album No 1
MultiMedia Documents 8
ArtPlay Palette Ambages
This is adapted from Page 3 of Summer Template Album 1, with the FotoBlendz duplicated/extended to spread across the page, some frames/masks removed, and a Feuillemort paper in one of the Frames, with Word Art from Autumn Word Art Mix 4.
ArtPlay Feuillemort Papers and Transfers in the background.
I used an Urban Threadz with a color fill, shadow and warping to "extend" my macrame :-)
Little grassy cluster created with MM Documents and elements.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
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Reactions: digiscrapper
It is a beautiful spot. Love your camper watering can find and all the macrame.
Nice artsy layout. I too struggle each fall to "bring them all back in". Quite the task when I can't choose which ones I can keep and which can go.I even have a sunroom, just wish it were twice or three times bigger,lol.I like the jade as it always produces such green shiny leaves and takes a lot of neglect per say.
Nice artsy layout. I too struggle each fall to "bring them all back in". Quite the task when I can't choose which ones I can keep and which can go.I even have a sunroom, just wish it were twice or three times bigger,lol.I like the jade as it always produces such green shiny leaves and takes a lot of neglect per say.
I too have a sunroom but it's not heated in the winter - maybe we'll have to heat it this year. Amazing story about the jade plants - I put them on an outside deck in the spring, then we got this massive heat wave and they got scorched. I felt terrible! So I brought them in, took cuttings to regenerate the plants. But many of the scorched leaves have "healed" themselves - almost like a sunburn, the scorched parts have peeled off and there are fresh leaves underneath!
So many beautiful plants to nurture. Love the camper watering can! Gorgeous page!

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Anna Aspnes
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600px x 371px

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