


The paper wasps are looking for a place to build their nests and have been perusing my deck now that the weather is nice. The idea behind the fake wasp nest is that wasps are territorial and will avoid living in an area already occupied. Some say yes and some say no but I will give it a try!
Credits list
Anna Urban stitches
Lathia frame
JBrisbois paint samples
VRobinson blendable script and paper
Emeto string
KPD watery leaves and flower
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. emeto designs
  3. Joanne Brisebois
  4. Vicki Robinson Designs
what a very beautiful page, love everything i see !
Great use of different designers !
What a great story! So many details support the story and photo, love the honeycomb, the wasps and swirls, and love those paint samples!
J'aime beaucoup votre page avec le combo, le fond en forme d'alvéoles, le design, j'aime aussi le nid en papier, l'année dernière nous avons eu la surprise de découvrir dans un de nos arbres un nids de frelons asiatiques de plus d'1 m de hauteur, impressionnant et dangereux, les pompiers ont du intervenir.
It is so fun to see this! I think it does work--when we were in Calgary, Alberta, in 2019, we toured a historic home and got quite a lecture on the plague of the paper wasps...AND they were still using the paper-bag trick with much success. Love the layout and how the little stinkers are floating on the artstroke.
Great page design! We bought our "paper nests" from amazon and they work pretty good, but you have to put them up early.

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Anna Aspnes
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