

MultiFoto Template Album 1 Scotch Broom at the Coast

  • Media owner dwsewbiz
  • Date added
The dunes in Seaside are covered with Scotch Broom, which I found fascinating and enticing. Not surprising, it is considered invasive to reforestation in Oregon, but since they don't try to grow trees at the beach, I just enjoyed it, as did Cher.
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MultiFotoTemplate Album No. 1 **NEW** in store today, May 14
Beach WordArt Mix No 2
ArtPlay MiniPalette Sororal
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This is page 2 from the new MultiFoto Template Album, with once again the FotoBlendz placed on one page, and the Frames/Masks on another, with the Frames Transformed Horizontally. Photos clipped to Frames, lots of Transfers used in the background, and Custom Cluster created.
These templates make pages easy!
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Ha. This past week I was fascinated by its relative Spanish Broom, and extracted a stalk for one of my pages. I'll post them all up one by one or two by two... soon. I walked by one bush repeatedly, and can't even imagine it as prolific as your photos show. Wow.
Ha. This past week I was fascinated by its relative Spanish Broom, and extracted a stalk for one of my pages. I'll post them all up one by one or two by two... soon. I walked by one bush repeatedly, and can't even imagine it as prolific as your photos show. Wow.
Oh yes I read about Spanish broom when I was investigating the Scotch broom. It really is a beautiful flower and "broom" form.

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Anna Aspnes
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83.8 KB
600px x 371px

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