

Her Secret Is

  • Media owner pmjames
  • Date added
This is my favourite tree I see on my drive to go shopping. It’s an hour’s drive and this tree sits near a lagoon that has dried up at the moment.
Credits list
Artplay Meadow Collection ***ON SALE*** from the 12th May for one week
MultiMedia Birds No.1
MultiMedia Branches No.16
MultiMedia Autumn No.1
Artstrokes from Various Artplay Palettes: Glacial, Mini Palette Calescent, Beach, Artsy, Abrazo and Twilight Zone
Artstroke layer from Artsy Transfers Uplift

Process An artsy paper and my full page photo is the foundation of this layout. I adjusted the colour of the paper using Menu Image>Adjustment>Hue and Saturation. Three copies of my photo were used, each with a different blending mode and blending used a layer mask and brushes. An artsy transfer was placed under the photo to add more blue to the layout and brushes and artstrokes to add interest around the tree and toward the birds in the top of the layout. Dimensional elements, wordart and a word transfer completed the layout.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
What a wonderful sky. I hope your proud tree can survive the drought years. We see whole forests standing but dead from drought sometimes and it is very sad.
Simply beautiful art! Love that you notice the tree and made it a showcase (that's the kind of thing I would do, and my husband would shake his head) - the cluster with the bird is stunning!
Beautiful page love the photo of your favourite tree and how it stands out with the clusters and the birds flying I hope it survives the drought.x
It's a beauty and what a wonderful photo of it both in perspective and against that fabulous sky.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
133.8 KB
600px x 600px

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