

Vicki Robinson Designer Challenge April 2021

  • Media owner CarmenR
  • Date added
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Vicki Robinson Designs
Here is the text from my page

Last Year I found out I had blood
clots in my lungs and right leg.
Because of the stress of having
the clots I got a really bad case of
Gout. I couldn’t even stand up
next to the hospital bed. I
was in the hospital for 2 weeks
to get my INR up high enough so
I could go home. It took a really
long to get the Gout under
control. I kept getting
flares every other week
for months. I am finally feeling
alot better and stronger every
day. I am living my life one
day at a time.
I am so sorry you have been through this Carmen and hope you will continue to recover day by day this is such a moving page and so worrying to find out that you had blood clots and then you get Gout and have to stay in hospital for 2 weeks what a bummer, life can be very cruel you have been through it and overcame it I hope this cheers you up a teeny weeny bit as it's a GSO for you.xx
I am so sorry you have been through this Carmen and hope you will continue to recover day by day this is such a moving page and so worrying to find out that you had blood clots and then you get Gout and have to stay in hospital for 2 weeks what a bummer, life can be very cruel you have been through it and overcame it I hope this cheers you up a teeny weeny bit as it's a GSO for you.xx
I know you have alot of medical problems too and i often think about you and hope you are feeling better!!! xoxo
I truly hope that you are feeling so much better now Carmen!! I love your page telling about this part of your journey! Wonderful journaling and lovely design!
Oh, Carmen! Reading your journaling brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing your story with us and congrats on your GSO. I will be keeping you in my heart and sending you the best wishes for a full recovery. xo
Oh wow, I hope you're feeling better now? That is awful! Your page certainly shines! I love all the stars that represent who you are today! I hope your journey remains on a healthy path! I'll be sending prayers and healing thoughts your way!
what a rough go of it. so glad you are on the mend. May this be a better year for you. Pages like this are so important to record our life experiences = the good and challenging
what a rough go of it. so glad you are on the mend. May this be a better year for you. Pages like this are so important to record our life experiences = the good and challenging
thank you but this year is not better i just lost my hubby and my dog in the same week. i am doing ok though..having good and bad days

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Vicki Robinson Designs
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400px x 400px

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